In Iran, according to the Islamic Law in force since the Revolution, all forms of music must be as neutral as possible and not provoke internal emotions. Rock, Rap, Metal, Electro are therefore banned genres. It is the infamous Ministry of Culture and Guidance (Ershad) which sets these rules based on the principles laid down by the Quran. Considered more generally by religious authorities as satanic genres and largely inspired by Western culture, anyone who rehearses, records or gives concerts of so-called “Zirzamini” music (“Underground” in Farsi) may be severely repressed.
So, the musicians hide, rehearse in cellars, clandestinely record CDs for their friends and relatives. While waiting to leave a country that muzzles them, for somewhere else where their production can be heard. For those waiting for a visa, for those saving money, for those willing to stay despite everything, there is only one thing to do: music, again and again...
Published in Le Monde.