История одной любви/Story of a Love
“No, no, it's impossible... I can't go through with it. I thought that one day, I'd tell someone the story... but right now, I can't... Now is not the time. It's all under lock and key, walled up and plastered over. Done... secreted away in a sarcophagus... I put it all in a sarcophagus... It's not on fire any more, but there's still some kind of chemical reaction going on. Crystals forming. I'm afraid of disturbing it. I'm scared...”
Nobel Prize Winner for Literature Svetlana Alexievitch spent her life traveling across the vast territories of the former USSR, writing about the people living and dying there. Among the voices collected in her book "Second-Hand Time" is Olga Karimova's, 49, musician living in Moscow. She tells the story of her love.
Edited by Romain Champalaune, with the voice of Anastasia Reshetnikova.